Exploring the concept of team models
The demands of the twenty-first century require business organizations to use
employee talent to create, share and utilize information as part of the competitive
strategy. At the same time, organizations underwent significant structural change,
developing organizational networks of task-focused teams leading to flatter
organizational structure, and a horizontal organization dependent on team
performance. As part of rapid changes in the global business world, organizations
must speed up their learning processes, adapting faster and faster to the world around
them. Teams need to learn how to develop knowledge, share information, and build on
each other’s knowledge to create new knowledge and new models, rather than simply
adapt the models already existing.
Adapted from Shonk’s (1982) team hierarchy figure, Andia (1998) developed a
pyramid model to help manage a training-team relationship. This model started at the
Exploring the concept of team models
The demands of the twenty-first century require business organizations to use
employee talent to create, share and utilize information as part of the competitive
strategy. At the same time, organizations underwent significant structural change,
developing organizational networks of task-focused teams leading to flatter
organizational structure, and a horizontal organization dependent on team
performance. As part of rapid changes in the global business world, organizations
must speed up their learning processes, adapting faster and faster to the world around
them. Teams need to learn how to develop knowledge, share information, and build on
each other’s knowledge to create new knowledge and new models, rather than simply
adapt the models already existing.
Adapted from Shonk’s (1982) team hierarchy figure, Andia (1998) developed a
pyramid model to help manage a training-team relationship. This model started at the
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