Lesson 5: Coach for performance (5.17)
What do you think is going on?
Watch this alternative coaching session between Mina and Tim. As you watch, think about whether and how Mina uses observations, listening skills, and questions to set a goal for the meeting, uncover the reality of what’s happening, discuss options, or action experiments, and define a way forward.
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MINA: Tim, I'm really glad that we were able to make this work today. I'm sorry we couldn't connect last week.
TIM: Not a problem. Thank you for taking the time. Unfortunately, I've got a call with Martin Cook at the Kimberley group. This just came up this morning, so I've only got about 40 minutes.
MINA: It's not a problem. I just wanted to sit here and go through your mid-year review.
TIM: Right, you mentioned that. This hasn't been a great year so far. I don't know if you've seen the numbers, but they are down.
MINA: Yeah, I had a quick look at your numbers to prep for the meeting. I thought you might want to discuss them. But you know, look, Tim, we're all on the same team. Last year you were the biggest producer on the desk. I am just trying to get you back up onto that level. What do you think is going on?
TIM: I've been thinking a lot about that. And as far as I can tell, I'm not doing anything different.
MINA: That's my sense, too. I thought we could look at a couple of your accounts and kind of see what went down for this year.
TIM: OK, so should we just dive right in?
MINA: Sure. So there's one that stood out to me. Last year, Resource Capitol paid five million in commission. This year they're on a run rate to do two million, maybe 2.5. What do you think happened?
TIM: Honestly, I have no idea why they're down so suddenly.
MINA: Was there a large loss that I wasn't told about? Or did our research votes slip? Have there been any other changes that I don't know about?
TIM: As a matter of fact, Maryanne retired. Now the new guy, Joe, is in charge of the desk. He's got his own connections. And I don't know him that well.
MINA: Well, OK. So later on let's brainstorm a couple of ideas so that we can make some inroads into resource capital. Right now I just want to get a bigger picture. What do you think is going on? Is there anything else happening?
TIM: Well, there's Greenwich Group. They put us in the penalty box for a couple months. We had a big trade in a name they cared about, and we didn't call them. And then they got shut out of the print, and the trader was furious. I know I should of told you all about it--
MINA: Yes.
TIM: but I was just hoping it would all blow over. And we are getting there.
MINA: OK. So this has been really helpful.
TIM: Has it?
MINA: Yeah, thanks. I mean, I know that you need to go get to your call. So let's think about all of these actions we came up with, and then we can start riding the ship.
TIM: This has been really helpful for me too. Thank you so much.
MINA: What would you say about meeting once a month? We could go over some of the more problematic accounts. And then figure out what you can do and what I can do to keep us moving in the right direction.
TIM: OK, yeah.
MINA: Great.