Results and Discussion
UV–VIS spectrum of natural dye obtained from Daucus carota
(carrot) was obtained. Here, the dye extracted was analyzed at
the wave length of 480 nm. The absorbance values for natural
dye extract obtained by ultrasound and magnetic stirring control
are shown in figure-1. The results indicate that there is about
12.5% improvement in the % yield of extract due to the use of
ultrasound as compared to the control process.
Figures 1, 2 and 3 show the colour reflectance of dyed silk fabrics using Daucus carota (carrot) dyes extracted through boiling and solvent extraction process. The same source of dye was mixed with different mordant to give different colours. For instance, fabrics dyed using iron as mordant gave the darkest colour in comparison with other mordants for both dyes from Daucus carota (carrot).