Life at times is filled with stress, risks, and adversity which have the potential to sidetrack an individual’s development into a happy, healthy adult. What appears to determine the difference between those who continue on successfully and those who do not is resiliency. The results of present study showed there was a positive and significant correlation between acceptance-involvement parenting style and resilience. Warmth, supporting, and child-centred parenting style associated with the development of resilience and therefore, could be regarded as a protective factor that may increase the ability to overcome negative life events and crisis. These parents have gained the knowledge of suitable behaviour toward children, showing more understanding and unanimity relative to their children’s needs; so parents help children to be hard in stressful conditions of life by making a positive and close relationship with children and increasing resilience in them. In fact, individuals within the high resiliency rated their relationships with their families positively, indicating not only a sense of cohesion but also acceptance (Ritter, 2005). In relation to gender differences, the results showed there was a significant difference between means scores of females and males in behavioral strictness-supervision, so that the means scores of males is higher than females in this style. The findings of present study provided an additional evidence to support the role of healthy family relationship in empowering adolescents to coping with stress, trauma, and life pressures who experienced