level of GA3 @ 200 ppm applied as double spray
followed by double spray of GA3 @ 150 and 100
ppm and single spray of GA3 @ 200 ppm and 150
ppm. Numbers of branches per plant were recorded
maximum with the application of GA3 @ 200 ppm as
double spray and it was statistically at par with GA3
@ 150 and 100 ppm as double spray. The
enhancement in plant height as a result of
application of GA3 might be due to the fact that GA3
induced the active cell division and cell elongation
(Greulach and Haesloop, 1958). Growth might also
be increased due to osmotic uptake of water and
nutrients under the influence of GA3, which maintain
swelling force against the softening of cell wall and
thereby increasing the plant height (Lockhart, 1960).
Increased leaf area per plant as a result of GA3
application might be due to the fact that GA3 interacts
with auxin thus reduces the apical dominance and
thereby results in enhancement of leaf area. These
results are in also agreement with observations of
Swaroop et al. (2007) in African marigold. Chlorophyll
content in leaves did not significantly affected with
the application of GA3 at different levels and number
of sprays. However, the chlorophyll content in leaves
decreased as the levels and number of sprays of
GA3 increased.