Let me introduce myself. My name is Phra Surabodin Buddhit name Sumetho Surname Pomhin. You can call me Luengphi Pong. I was born on Friday 4 th of Decemer 1981, in Yasothon Province, Thailand. I am 34 years old. I’m 163 centimeters tall. I weigh 60 kilograms. I’m Thai. There are six people in my family. I have two elder brother and one elder sister. My father and My mother died many year ago.I live in Wat Sriubonrattanaram or Wat Srithong is a royal temple.I study at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university Ubonratchathani campus. I’m in the Faculty of Education. My major is English Teaching. I’m study in the third year or I’m junior. My favourite subject is Writing English. My class starts at 8 a.m.,except Tuesday becues I get the Chun. I will finish class at 3 p.m. o’clock. I go to University by car. My hobby is chanting