customer Complaint: Rude Service Your customer says: “Your staff was rude and totally unprofessional.” You say: “You are right to expect courteous, respectful, and professional staff.”
Customer Complaint: Too Many Rules Your customer says: “Your policies are rigid. Your company is so bureaucratic.” You say: “I agree that we should be as flexible and user-friendly as possible. Your suggestions can really help.”
Customer Complaint: Overpriced Your customer says: “This product isn’t anything like what I was promised. And your price is way too high!” You say: “I am on your side in this situation. You have a right to be satisfied with whatever you purchase from us. You deserve good value for your money. Let’s review what you have purchased and see if there’s a better option for you.”
…… has complained about not good quality mobile; the mobile is not believe for first time.