A total of 220 stroke patients were enrolled in the study, but 170 subjects were screened out owing to their spasticity grade (MAS) being 1+ (69 patients), inability to communicate (38 patients), complaints of inconvenience (43 patients), or refusals to change their treatment program (20 patients). Only 50 patients were randomized to receive TTM (24 patients) or the PT program (26 patients) twice weekly for the 6-week duration. At the end of study, five patients in the PT group were lost to follow-up owing to inconvenience (four patients) and having repeat hemorrhagic strokes (one patient), as shown in Figure 1. The demographic data of the 50 subjects in the TTM and PT groups did not differ except for sex, age, and BI scores (Table 1). Patients in the TTM group were predominantly male (92% versus 58%), younger in age
(60 years versus 66 years), and had higher BI scores (16.4 versus 10.9) compared with the PT group. A muscle with maximal grading measured by MAS was not different between the groups. Anxiety, depression, and QoL scores did not differ between the groups at baseline.