Teaching quality can be measured by observing certain indicators, such as how many students
pass the final examination and with what grade, and relating the information to learning outcomes
defined in advance for the course. It is also important to get student feedback and learn the opinions
of colleagues. Student feedback has become an especially important element for improving
teaching and enhancing student learning. Student views about various aspects, such as teaching
and learning, the learning environment, and the learning experience may be collected in a variety
of ways that can be classified as either informal or formal data collection (Harvey 2003). In this
study, in addition to student feedback, teacher reflection was significant in getting and transforming
information into useful form. Harvey (2003) suggests that to make an effective contribution
to the improvement process, module-level feedback of all types must guide module-level action,
which must be formally evaluated using a process that includes analysis, reporting, action, and
Teaching quality can be measured by observing certain indicators, such as how many studentspass the final examination and with what grade, and relating the information to learning outcomesdefined in advance for the course. It is also important to get student feedback and learn the opinionsof colleagues. Student feedback has become an especially important element for improvingteaching and enhancing student learning. Student views about various aspects, such as teachingand learning, the learning environment, and the learning experience may be collected in a varietyof ways that can be classified as either informal or formal data collection (Harvey 2003). In thisstudy, in addition to student feedback, teacher reflection was significant in getting and transforminginformation into useful form. Harvey (2003) suggests that to make an effective contributionto the improvement process, module-level feedback of all types must guide module-level action,which must be formally evaluated using a process that includes analysis, reporting, action, andfeedback
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