For the gy sub-population, oil content is 0.24% higher
than the base population. Individuals with oil content of 20% or more are 11.05% higher than the base population. The
quantitative characters such as flowering date, mature date, pod habit, and hilum color, etc., all showed wide range of
separation, and the segregation ratio approached balance. The C.V. of branch number of msl recurrent population (72.8%)
is higher than general cross-population (57.3%), and the C.V. of 100 seed weight of msl (18.1%) is higher than general
cross population (16.5%), the coefficient of variation of plant height, pods per plant, and seeds per pod were not significantly
different. It was demonstrated in this paper that the quality character of msl male sterile recurrent selection population
was improved by adding new genes. And the segregation of other characters widened, making the populations suitable
for the objective of soybean breeding. In this paper, we also discussed the breeding method, key technology, and
selection effect of soybean msl population.
For the gy sub-population, oil content is 0.24% higherthan the base population. Individuals with oil content of 20% or more are 11.05% higher than the base population. Thequantitative characters such as flowering date, mature date, pod habit, and hilum color, etc., all showed wide range ofseparation, and the segregation ratio approached balance. The C.V. of branch number of msl recurrent population (72.8%)is higher than general cross-population (57.3%), and the C.V. of 100 seed weight of msl (18.1%) is higher than generalcross population (16.5%), the coefficient of variation of plant height, pods per plant, and seeds per pod were not significantlydifferent. It was demonstrated in this paper that the quality character of msl male sterile recurrent selection populationwas improved by adding new genes. And the segregation of other characters widened, making the populations suitablefor the objective of soybean breeding. In this paper, we also discussed the breeding method, key technology, andselection effect of soybean msl population.
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