On a standard chart of accounts the 9576 account is the Sub-Contract Goods In Suspense account.
It represents Sublet Labour received on a WIP but not yet verified against a purchase invoice.
A variance can be caused by a Sublet line being received in Point of Sale but failing to update Purchase Control and this will need to be updated to correct the variance.
•Check the Stock Audit Report for the first day the variance occurred
•Select Nominal Ledger from the Master Menu
•Select Transaction Enquiry from the Nominal Ledger menu and select either Current or Archive depending on when your variance occurred
NL Trans selection
•Enter the date of the variance into the posting date from and to fields and enter 9576 in the Expense Code field and click Proceed
transaction enquiry NL
•Take a note of any suffix/WIP for the value or greater value of the variance
NL Trans results
•Close Nominal Ledger and select Point of Sale from the Master Menu
•Select Point of Sale again and enter the WIP number found in Nominal Ledger
•Check all Sublet lines to ensure they have been received and exit back to the Master Menu
•Select Purchase Control from the Master Menu
•Select Verify Received Invoice from the Purchase Control menu and click on the Display Purchase Lines tab
•Enter the suffix/WIP found in Nominal Ledger in the WIP field and click refresh, this will indicate the State of the sublet. Take a note of the WIPline for those at State O
WIP variance posting in PC
•Exit out and select Advanced System admin from the Purchase Control menu, select Purchase Transactions and enter the WIPline number in the Start at and Finish at fields (if you have multiple WIPlines at State O for the same WIP then use the WIP number plus 000 in the Start at field and the WIP number plus 999 in the Finish at Field) and click refresh
•Scroll along until you reach the STATE field for the relevant WIPline and amend this to R
The 9576 account will update on End of Day and the variance will disappear from the Stock Audit Report