Have a look at this. It's a graph showing the number of trades our customers make per day on our website. As you can see, the figure was fluctuating for the first three months and then fell sharply to bottom out at just 10,000 trades a day. For a company of our size, that wasn't too impressive. But look. We're up to nearly 40,000 trades now, our highest ever, and still rising. Okay, I'm going to break off in a minute and take questions. So, to sum up. One, improvements in our website have led to more hits and increase trading. Two, advertising on the internet will help us win back customers. Three, profits will follow. E-treading in stocks is the future. In the US alone, it's the way a quarter of the public choose to buy their shares. This is the information age and the internet is the ultimate information provider. I'm reminded of what banker Walter Wriston once said: 'Information about money is becoming more valuable than money itself.' Thank you