Scientific Notation
An uninterrupted sequence of a mantisse and an exponent. The mantisse is an uninterrupted sequence of a plus/minus sign "+" or "-" and a digit sequence that can have a maximum of one period (.) as a decimal separator. The exponent is an uninterrupted sequence of the character "E" or "e", a "+" or "-" sign and a digit sequence. The number value is the value of the mantisse multiplied by ten to the power of the value that is after the character "E" or "e".
There can be any number of blanks in front of the number. If there is a blank after the number, this closes the number. Any characters ater this will be ignored.
Parts of the notation that are not required, such as the plus/minus sign or the specification of the exponent, can be omitted.
If a character-type field begins with a blank followed by a valid number, the content of the field is interpreted as a number with the value 0.