These voivodships achieve levels of GDP capita that are at leasteither a minimum 80% of the national level or are above it. Only four out of
Poland’s sixteen voivodships, however, achieve a level of GDP capita above the
national level: Dolnośląskie, Wielkopolskie, Śląskie and Mazowieckie (IG1). These
are among the most densely populated regions in the country and contribute
higher shares of industry and services in GDP output. The effect of this more
developed economic structure is reflected in their combined contribution to total
nominal GDP output, which at the end of 2006 stood at 52.0%. Mazowieckie,
whose regional boundaries include the capital city of Warsaw, accounted for 21.6%
of Poland’s total GDP alone (Gus, 2007).
These voivodships achieve levels of GDP capita that are at leasteither a minimum 80% of the national level or are above it. Only four out ofPoland’s sixteen voivodships, however, achieve a level of GDP capita above thenational level: Dolnośląskie, Wielkopolskie, Śląskie and Mazowieckie (IG1). Theseare among the most densely populated regions in the country and contributehigher shares of industry and services in GDP output. The effect of this moredeveloped economic structure is reflected in their combined contribution to totalnominal GDP output, which at the end of 2006 stood at 52.0%. Mazowieckie,whose regional boundaries include the capital city of Warsaw, accounted for 21.6%of Poland’s total GDP alone (Gus, 2007).
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