Earlier, we noted that ultimate criteria embody the idea of long-term effectiveness.
Ultimate criteria are not practical for day-to-day decision making or evaluation, however,
because researchers and managers usually cannot afford the luxury of the time needed to gather
the necessary data- Therefore, substitute criteria, immediate or intermediate, must be used (see
Figure 4-1). To be sure, all immediate and intermediate criteria arc partial, since at best they give
only an approximation of the ultimate criterion (Thorndike, 1949).
Earlier, we noted that ultimate criteria embody the idea of long-term effectiveness.Ultimate criteria are not practical for day-to-day decision making or evaluation, however,because researchers and managers usually cannot afford the luxury of the time needed to gatherthe necessary data- Therefore, substitute criteria, immediate or intermediate, must be used (seeFigure 4-1). To be sure, all immediate and intermediate criteria arc partial, since at best they giveonly an approximation of the ultimate criterion (Thorndike, 1949).
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