Cable Colour Code
Following the report in the last issue of Electricity News, we will continue to update our readers on the adoption of the new cable colour code.
The existing cable colour code (i.e. red/ yellow/ blue/ black/ (yellow - green)) is to be replaced by the new cable colour code (i.e. brown/ black/ grey/ blue/ (yellow-green)). The new cable colour system will not only align with the standards adopted by most western countries but also harmonize the cable colours for flexible cords. As for the implementation schedule, the Electrical Safety Advisory Committee has agreed to the recommendation of the Working Group on the Review of Cable Colour Code in Hong Kong that the new cable colour code be applicable to new fixed electrical installations and additions or alterations to existing fixed electrical installations with effect from 1 July 2007. During a two-year grace period between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2009, cables of both new and existing colours can be used. However, from 1 July 2009, the new cable colour code must be used for fixed electrical installations. The relevant change is applicable only to fixed electrical installations. Household electrical products will not be affected.
Existing Cable Colour Code