Whoever wrote this remark obviously has no idea what there talking about. Gamblers don't have a choice, gambling can be both psychological and physical as much so as any drug. I know because i am a gambler and i live with a gambler. it is horrible addiction take my word for it. We are ruled by our emotions and when we feel low or upset or any strong feeling we don't have the necessary emotional tools to deal with we turn to the oblivion of gambling. The problem with this is that it only compounds the problem. when we lose we feel bad, when we win we feel bad....we can't win, literally. i hate being this way and so does my partner and if we could stop tomorrow, believe me we would. i don't say that all gambling is bad, far from it. i do think that 15 betting shops and slot shops in one shopping area is far too much and online gambling is out of control. i am sick and tiered of the constant advertising of gambling sites on ever channel that my children are subjected to and i think that ignorant people should be a little more aware of the impact that all these things have on people like myself. our lives are a mess, many are in debt, lost their homes, their families and even their jobs......do you really think that if we had a choice we would subject ourselves to all that? Because of this, i would like to see online gambling banned, all advertising banned and a limit on bookies and machine shops in forced by the council and government. Many people jumped on the bandwaggon when cigarettes where banned, why not this? it is equally damaging to society, damaging to family life as well as friends and families of gamblers and to gamblers themselves.