DIAGNOSIS : A segment of sigmoid colon;sigmoidectomy
-Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of sigmoid colon
-Tumor invading to the paricolic fat
-Free of the tumor at the both margins and mesenteric margins
-Tumor metastasis 2 out of 15 regional nodes (2/15)
The formalin fixed specimen consists of a segment of sigmoid colon, measuring 11.5 cm. in length and 5 cm. in the maximal circumference. The serosa is retracted area at 4 cm. form the proximal margin and 5 cm. distal margin respectively. The opened specimen shows an ulcerative mass measuring 3.5x3 cm. in diameter. It involves the entire circumference with partial obstruction of the lumen. The mass located at 3.5 cm. form the proximal margin and 4 cm. form the distal margin. Serial sections reveal infiltrative tumor which is gray brown rubbery firm in appearance and invades into the pericolic adipose tissue. The tumor is 0.8 – 1.2 cm. in thickness and located at 4 cm. from the mesenteric margin. The tumor perforation is not present.The remaining mucosa show is unremarkable. There are multiple pericolic lymph nodes measuring 0.3 to 0.8 cm. in diameter.Representative sections are submitted as A : one margin, B : one another margin, C : tumor with transformational zone, D : the deepest part of invasion tumor, E : tumor with serosal, F : mesenteric margin, G : remaining of colonic wall, H I J : pericolic lymph nodes.