Pet owners know their pets are able to do all sorts of incredible things. Dogs seem to prick up their ears when their owners the word walk. Cats have many creative ways of reminding their owners to feed them in the morning. So exactly how intelligent are animals? Scientists as well as pet owners are interested in the question of animal intelligence. In recent years, animal researchers have learned a lot about the mental, or cognitive, abilities of animals One of the most exciting investigations on the mental abilities of animals looks at their ability to use tools. Through observation of animals in the wild and in zoos, animal researchers know that several animal species apparently use Perhaps most notable investigation of this kind is the to the work of Jane Good in Africa. She observed in zoos s in their native environment using small sticks to catch termites. Great apes spear have been seen to use tools. Scientists have trained crows to use small sticks to insects in the bark of trees as vens, aspect of animal cognition is solving problems. Some species of birds, such euch are particularly clever. Ravens are able to solve many different problems as untying to get at food. And even pigeons and parrots have shown an learn ordinary capacity to recognize, count, or name different objects. Orangutans can too, complex tasks, such as washing clothes by hand, after just a few tries. Dolphins can follow complex instructions In addition to the use of tools and solving problem another marker animal cognition is the ability to learn what they are taught by humans. For example, dogs are able to learn a wide variety of commands, and then follow them. Elephants also remember various behaviors that they are taught-even playing music and painting. perhaps one of the most important aspects of animal cognition is self-awareness An animal that is aware of itself has a high level of cognitive ability. Por a long time humans were thought to be the only living beings aware of themselves and their actions. For example, you are aware that you are reading this article. Another example of self-awareness is the ability to recognize yourself in a mirror. Animal researchers have discovered that dolphins and chimps are able to recognize themselves in a mirror self awareness may help highly social animals like these to get along in their social groups. Recently, researchers found that another animal, an elephant in a New York zoo, was also able to recognize herself in a mirror When they look at mental abilities of animals, such as their use of tools, problem the solving, learning complex tasks, and self-awareness, animal researchers conclude that some animals do have high levels of cognition