Dear Khun Areerat,
Thank you for opening an account with FedEx.
Your FedEx account is 260607170 THAI ORCHID EXPORT CO.,LTD.
If we may be of further assistance, Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service department at hotline no 1782.
We thank you for choosing FedEx for your shipping needs.
Please keep this number safe for your reference. The number is required when scheduling a pickup and to enjoy other FedEx services.
Made your shipping easier by using FedEx Billing Online (FBO) Click here.
Optimize your FedEx account.
Find the support you need at the New Customer Center: Learn about FedEx services, shipping tools and gifts! Please click on the link below to access (If clicking the link below does not work, copy and paste the URL in a new browser window instead):
Let the power of FedEx Ship Manager at work for you: Prepare shipments, get rates and transit times, and track your shipments online with FedEx Ship Manager at
For more information, call us on 1782 or visit
Once again, thank you for choosing FedEx.
Best regards,
Porntiwa Ratchusiri
Sr.Customer Representative
FedEx Express TEL FAX
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