Lu Qinlian as Bewitching Sound Paradise Demon Empress, with the poisonous master, fears her in some Heaven World many powerhouses, if knew that she has demon spoiled death Qi this type of thing, these will hate her for a long time person definitely immediately to get rid, therefore Chen Xiang did not fear that she will leak this secret, they are having knowledge of the secret of opposite party now, invisible in has formed a contract.
„Your this bead holds really many!” Chen Xiang transported many demon spoiled death Qi to go, but in still thought also many spaces.
„Perhaps for many years, only then you dare the demon spoiled death Qi preserve in the body! Words that you use, is certainly careful, was discovered is not jokes, the people who even if looks like Bai Ziqian this strength must flee the horizon!” Lu Qinlian said.
„Is Bai Ziqian very strong?” Chen Xiang [smile | hear] of her tones, resemble Bai Ziqian her be much more formidable.
„Naturally is very strong, she is my senior, she is missing for many years to reappear Heaven World, creates the stirs of Immortal Devil monster three big Heaven World, but does not know why she must kill Immortal King with demon spoiled death Qi, after that she issued a warrant for arrest by three big Heaven World.” Lu Qinlian sighed lightly: „Otherwise I can compare notes with her.”
„That is Immortal King very fierce?” Chen Xiang also asked that he guessed that Immortal King that Bai Ziqian killed should be related with Bai Youyou, Bai Ziqian and Bai Youyou were reconciled by Chen Xiang, although the two sisters for many years relationship have looked like are very desolate, but the affection of heart of hearts is truly deep.
„Naturally fierce, that is in immortal King, although I was called Demon Empress, is only because I use poisonously unparalleled, I and Immortal King also has the 1st Stage distance compared with the words of strength, otherwise Bai Ziqian will not use demon spoiled death Qi to kill this Immortal King.” Lu Qinlian looks at the bead of Chen Xiang palm, the ray of that bead is getting stronger and stronger, explanation demon spoiled death Qi are getting more and more.
„Why this is also demon spoiled death Qi by the reason that Highest Heaven of Ten Land forbids, was too terrifying, Bai Ziqian should a little be also away from the Immortal King rank, but must kill that Immortal King very not to be easy, only then use demon spoiled death Qi!” Lu Qinlian extends the white hands, said: „Has filled, this suffices me to use long time! Can one time get so far as these many, but also is not really easy!”
Lu Qinlian was very happy, although demon spoiled death Qi taboo, but many poisonous teachers have taken, but had not been discovered that but is not each poisonous master has the opportunity to get so far as these many.