What is the ideal tomato?
The consumer of fresh
tomatoes might say uniformly
red, juicy, sweet, aromatic,
slightly tart and acidic and
stays at the peak of ripeness
for weeks without spoiling.
The processor might tell you
it processes easily, lasts long
periods without spoiling, is
transportable over long
distances without loss, and
produces maximal yields of
the desired product. Farmers
want tomatoes that resist
disease and insects, germinate
uniformly, grow fast, give
maximal yields under optimal
and adverse conditions and is
easily harvested. The truly
ideal tomato, then, is all of
the above and probably more
What is the ideal tomato?The consumer of freshtomatoes might say uniformlyred, juicy, sweet, aromatic,slightly tart and acidic andstays at the peak of ripenessfor weeks without spoiling.The processor might tell youit processes easily, lasts longperiods without spoiling, istransportable over longdistances without loss, andproduces maximal yields ofthe desired product. Farmerswant tomatoes that resistdisease and insects, germinateuniformly, grow fast, givemaximal yields under optimaland adverse conditions and iseasily harvested. The trulyideal tomato, then, is all ofthe above and probably more
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