Single arbuscularmycorrhizal fungal species (A1-5) or mixed (A6) colonizing Lavandula dentata roots. (A1: Septoglomus constrictum EEZ 198; A2: Diversispora aunantia EEZ 199; A3: Archaeospora trappei EEZ 200; A4: Glomus versiforme EEZ 201; A5: Paraglomus ocultum EEZ 202 and A6: a mixture or consortium of these AMF). And the effect of endophytic B.thuringiensis (B) on each one of AM fungal species (B1-5) and then mixture (B6). Intracellular hyphae (black arrow); extracellular hyphae (eh) and entry point (white arrow); arbuscule (a); vesicle (v). Bars = 100 m.