The high cost of conventional construction materials is a dominating factor affecting housing system around the world. This has necessitated research work into alternative materials in the construction field. The aim of this study was to investigate experimentation on physical and mechanical characteristics of concrete produced using chopped coconut fibres composites incorporating different volume percentage of fibres 1.0, 3.0, 5.0 and 7.0 subjected to static loading. Prisms size of 100×100×300 mm and cubes having dimension of 100×100×100 mm were cast from the same batches of concrete. For coconut fibre, micro structural analysis (scanning electron microscopy) test was conducted in the laboratory to get a better understanding of the bonding behaviour of fibres. Chemically treated coir fibre reinforced specimens yielded better mechanical properties compared to the raw ones. The results of the tests showed that the compressive strength of the concrete decreased as the fibres volume percentage of the coconut increased in the concrete mix. Experimental results also demonstrated that the coconut fibre concrete performed satisfactorily on the growth of cracks, crack widths compared with conventional concrete. Finally, it is concluded that the use of coconut fibre has great potential in the production of structural lightweight concrete especially in the construction of low-cost concrete structures. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]