thank you for your kind words.
the cold weather change during day, it is cold at night and in the morning. now it is 10 degree.
i finish exercise and take shower, so i have heater on in my room.
yes if you have cold weather same here, you will better stay at home and not go outside much.
that is why i like hot weather, can go outside and at night when have no sun it is pleasant to be outside.
it is good you relax inside your home away from the heat outside and watch television and cooking, same as me.
you and me are same we both like to do relax the same inside our home and do cooking and housework.
you are good for your family taking care of the housework and cooking. dee dee.
so you have a machine that look after the customer as well as goods?
very good, your family from Chaiyaphum province near kolat and kon kaen in isaan.
tell me more about the town your family come from and what is it like over there, the foods, the people, the life.
it is interesting to know about your hometown
so do you like to eat the sweet food? i would be very happy to make you some sweet foods that i make
thank you so much for your lovely messages, i enjoy reading about your life very much.
what a wonderful woman that you are, full of kindness and beauty.
i will go and cook some chicken and shrimp with some potato and noodles.
i also hope good health and happiness to you and your family and may all your dreams come true.