• Exploring ideas through professional reading of journals and current research
on improving school climate and culture
• Interviewed Christian school leaders to share their stories on creating,
nurturing and sustaining a culture of excellence within Adventist Schools in
Australia. Then explored and observed what school leaders considered to be
the essential tools and strategies to create a culture and climate of learning.
Australian schools visited included Central Coast Adventist School, Hills
Adventist College, and Mountain View Adventist College.
• Attended the America Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
conference in Nashville to investigate current trends of how school leaders
managed “school improvement” by equipping their leadership team, boosting
staff morale and student achievement.
• Read to explore the literature on school improvement through leaders from
small to large schools from the United Kingdom, United States and Australia.
• Attended Insight SRC Professional Development for School Leaders and
reviewed Insight SRC’s Staff School Improvement survey data on climate and
culture to identify key areas of strengthens and areas for improvement to
establish strategic goals.