The results of the DC distribution system analysis show the potential of the system. Customer’s
voltage quality improves when voltage dips, fluctuations and short time voltage drops can be
eliminated using power electronic devices. With the low voltage DC distribution systems also
higher transmission powers and transmission distances can be achieved when compared to the
traditional low voltage system. The higher power handling capacity produce smaller power
losses, which enables the use of smaller cable cross-sections than in the corresponding AC
system. By combining these benefits of the proposed DC system the total costs of constructing
and operating a distribution system can be decreased. Building more economical and reliable
networks than today is one of the future goals in the electricity distribution business.
The DC distribution system is a economical solution as a replacement of medium voltage branch
lines at typical transmission powers of the rural networks. The benefits compared to traditional
400 V system are smaller outage and investment costs. The harsh estimation of power electronic
device costs indicates that the constantly decreasing prices of the power electronic components
don not set obstacles to the introduction of the low voltage DC distribution. The future challenges
of DC distribution examination lies in more specific study of economical ranges and basic
structures of power electronic devices.