Human behavior elements
The behavior of road users in Kibaha district ( pedestrians, drivers and passengers),
require a guidance and control for appropriate interaction with other components of the
road traffic system such as the vehicle and the built environment. Similar to other
researchers in Tanzania who concluded that, the obvious fact is that human error
constitutes over 80% of all road accidents and only small proportion of accidents can be
directly attributed to: vehicle performance including defects or faults, and roads
themselves including their design or maintenance. It is true to say that accident doesn’t
just happen, they are made to happen. Or they are allowed to happen or in some cases are
encouraged to happen. “Accidents never occur they are caused” Human behavior towards
road traffic accident in Kibaha district weighs significantly to prolonged accidents in the
district. The following are the specific risk factors associated with human behaviors
which contribute to high number of traffic accidents in Kibaha district: Driving while
using cell phone, Driving without training, and failure to respect and obey Traffic