1. States Parties shall inform the Secretary-General of the UnitedNations as well as the public and the international scientific community,to the greatest extent feasible and practicable, of their activitiesconcerned with the exploration and use of the moon. Information on thetime, purposes, locations, orbital parameters and du-ration shall be givenin respect of each mission to the moon as soon as possible afterlaunching, while information on the results of each mission, includingscientific results, shall be furnished upon completion of the mission. Inthe case of a mission lasting more than thirty days, information onconduct of the mission, including any scientific re-sults, shall be givenperiodically at thirty days' intervals. For missions lasting more thansix months, only significant additions to such infor-mation need bereported thereafter.
2. If a State Party becomes aware that another State Party plans tooperate simultaneously in the same area of or in the same orbit around ortrajectory to or around the moon, it shall promptly inform the otherState of the timing of and plans for its own opera-tions