Student loans lead to overwhelming debt for too many college students, as few graduate today without such debt. Avoid getting in over your head by making sure your student loan debt will be manageable based on the income level of the field you plan to enter after graduation. The total amount of your undergraduate student loans should be no more than your first year’s salary.
The #1 rule for wealth-building is to increase your future earning potential while decreasing your present debt. Violating this rule can lead to financial trouble. With this rule in mind, avoid using student loan money for just about anything other than college expenses – your debt goes up (or does not go down) without a corresponding investment in your earning potential. And don’t play credit card “roulette” by repeatedly transferring your balances to a new card with lower teaser rates; such activity can ding your credit score, which in turn can impair your ability to get a good job, as employers look at credit scores, too.