We're writing to let you know that you haven't paid for several items you've purchased on eBay.
To help make these transactions a positive experience for both you and your seller, we've temporarily limited your bidding privileges. You can still buy items on the site by adding them to your shopping cart or buying fixed-priced items through Buy It Now*, but you won't be able to place bids for the next 7 days. Look for Buy It Now items by clicking the Buy It Now tab on search results or browse pages.
Please contact your seller(s) to make payment arrangements for your unpaid items. You can find these items in the "Purchase History" section in My eBay. If you placed a bid on a listing that hasn't ended, and you win the item, you'll be able to pay for that item.
If you believe you've already paid for the items, please contact us through this link:
*Note: You may purchase Buy It Now items that require immediate payment, but you're unable to purchase Buy It Now items with a "Commit to buy" button prior to confirmation of payment.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
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