Honey, I know you will be worried to hear from me after I told you I'm on my way to Kota Kinabalu village. well, I was attack and rob at the taxi stand where I was waiting for taxi back to the hotel where I lodge by two guys on motorcycle who are describe as Indian gangsters. it was raining so heavily so i was standing at the taxi stand to take a taxi back to my hotel when two guys on motorcycle attack me from back and hit me a head-mate, I try to fight with them, but the brought out a cutlass and threat to cut me if i refuse to give them my belonging. .......the beat me up and finally rob me my briefcase which contents some money that I want to use and pay for ministry of finance stamp duty fees and normalization fees, some of my documents, Bank cheque , Bank credit card and masters cards including my two uk cell phone . Now am hospitalize at sabah medical center where am taking treatment. I'm total confuse now and devastated….. I don't know what to do now. …The police came after the incident and I make a report. You can reach me with this phone number +60149325611 a nurse borrowed me the phone to use and make contacts. I'm in serious pain now my dearest. I wish you are here with me now.please try and call me ok. i will like to speak with you darling. I will be looking forward in hearing from you. have a nice day