for Tip R, born 24 December 1977
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False optimism
Valid during many months: At this time you will work very hard to actualize your ideals and find a concrete way to put your spiritual views into practice in the real world. But you can expect the real world to put up some resistance to your ideas. Among other things, you will be challenged to demonstrate that your ideals are not just irrelevant, impractical abstractions. You will also have to demonstrate that your views are based on realism rather than some dream world, which is where you may very well be now. At any rate, this time will give you the opportunity to find out.
You will give readily when called upon now, because this influence signifies a great generosity to people who are less fortunate than yourself. But you may not be very discreet in choosing the people on whom you lavish your charity. Some people can be helped, and it would be worthwhile to spend your time on them. But others are not worth wasting time on, although with this influence you may not be able to tell the difference.
On another level, this influence can signify the kind of false optimism that makes you take foolish risks, especially with limited resources. In any financial dealings be very careful that everything is exactly as represented to you by others. Otherwise you could be taken for a ride.
This time is a test of your grasp of reality and your ability to translate ideals into practice. There is no reason to assume that you will not pass the test, but you do have to be careful.
Religious or spiritual delusions are another danger of this influence. You may be tempted to run after false messiahs or teachers whose ability to dazzle with spiritual phrases exceeds their ability to teach you how to cope with your life.