7. When this Agreement expires or there is a request from the disclosing party, the receiving party shall, within 15 business days of such expiration or request and in accordance with the method designated by the disclosing party, take measures such as deleting or disposing of the information or returning it to the disclosing party. (If there are copies made with the permission of the disclosing party, such copies shall be included in the disposal). If the Confidential Information is stored electronically, etc. and thus impossible to return physically, the receiving party shall, within 7 business days of such expiration or request, delete, destroy, erase or dispose of it by other means at its own expense and responsibility and, in all cases including the case in the previous sentence, submit to the disclosing party a document to certify the return, deletion or disposure of all Confidential Information in the form requested by the disclosing party.