ฉันรักการแปลGood night Yuva.
I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The ex out of my hair. Brooke beginning to see what
she needs to do to become a contributing member of society. Work I may I have to start putting in more time
and consideration towards making a move another department. It certainly doesn't look like my boss is going
to stick to the three year plan usually laid out by IBM senior management to be more upwardly mobile. More
than likely he will have to remain here until he get s forced out. Also not a good option because he truly
believes he is the best manager IBM has. Sad but true.
Thailand's junta (The Military) has appointed a military-dominated interim legislature in another step in the
slow return of promised electoral democracy. Just over 200 members have been appointed, with over half
being associated to or with the military. The actual divisions are, 105 people who hold military ranks and 11
from the police. The 84 civilian members include academics, business executives, technocrats and former
senators. The legislature is to convene next week and will nominate an interim prime minister, who will then
choose cabinet members. So we'll have to see how it turns out. It is also reported the King has signed off on
this new interim legislature.
Pleasant dreams and sleep well. I think about you always.