XRD pattern
The XRD measurement results of the 3 different types of nanoclays
and their agar composite films are shown in Figure 5.
The XRD patterns of Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B, and Cloisite 20A
revealed the diffraction peaks at 2θ = 7.15◦, 2θ = 4.71◦, and
2θ = 3.43◦, respectively, which suggest that the layer distance of
Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B, and Cloisite 20A were 1.24, 1.88,
and 2.58 nm, respectively.
The d001 peak of the clays was shifted
to lower angle of 4.82◦, 4.53◦ , and 3.17◦, corresponding to an
increase in d-spacing to 1.83, 1.95, and 2.79 nm for agar/Cloisite
Na+, agar/Cloisite 30B, and agar/Cloisite 20A nanocomposite
samples, respectively.
The higher basal spacings of clays in the
nanocomposites, as compared to the pristine organoclays, are due
to the intercalation of polymer chains inside the clay layers.
The XRD results indicate that the degree of intercalation was higher
in Cloisite Na+ nanocomposite films compared with other types
of nanoclay.
This result also clearly indicates that Cloisite Na+
interacts better with agar than the other type of clays.
XRD patternThe XRD measurement results of the 3 different types of nanoclaysand their agar composite films are shown in Figure 5. The XRD patterns of Cloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B, and Cloisite 20Arevealed the diffraction peaks at 2θ = 7.15◦, 2θ = 4.71◦, and2θ = 3.43◦, respectively, which suggest that the layer distance ofCloisite Na+, Cloisite 30B, and Cloisite 20A were 1.24, 1.88,and 2.58 nm, respectively. The d001 peak of the clays was shiftedto lower angle of 4.82◦, 4.53◦ , and 3.17◦, corresponding to anincrease in d-spacing to 1.83, 1.95, and 2.79 nm for agar/CloisiteNa+, agar/Cloisite 30B, and agar/Cloisite 20A nanocompositesamples, respectively. The higher basal spacings of clays in thenanocomposites, as compared to the pristine organoclays, are dueto the intercalation of polymer chains inside the clay layers. The XRD results indicate that the degree of intercalation was higherin Cloisite Na+ nanocomposite films compared with other typesof nanoclay. This result also clearly indicates that Cloisite Na+interacts better with agar than the other type of clays.
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