The issues connected with efficiency were initially analysed in the context of the processes in which the field of logistics was
interested in.
One of the rules of logistics claiming that all activities in the logistics field must be undertaken in the most effective
manner unambiguously defines the significance of thinking in terms of efficiency in logistics. Efficiency has also been analysed as a key area of company's strategic management and frequently connected with the efficiency of logistics management.
Apart from strategic decisions, the following factors are of key significance for efficiency: systems, structure, mission, human resources, organisation culture or incentive systems.
The above-mentioned factors are connected by certain relations resulting in synergy effects determining the efficiency of implemented logistics processes.
The presented approach to efficiency mostly related to studying economic efficiency of logistics processes and
Lack of IT systems controlling real-time efficiency of all activities may result in the lack of synergy effects, which explains
lower efficiency of logistics systems in the past.
This is confirmed by the downward trend as regards the logistics expenditures observed over the last decades.