We all wish that there were some way to make dating easier. More often than not, though, it can be a long, painful exercise in disappointment. Over the years, I’ve gone through just about every permutation of dating frustration you can imagine — being unable to even talk to women, the dating site emails that disappear into the void, the first dates to nowhere, the second dates that never resulted in a third — you name it, I’ve done it. Even under the best of circumstances — and I’m saying this as someone who loves dating — it can be an infuriating, exasperating, exhausting process. And that exhaustion makes it even harder. Dating is a holistic experience; it’s something that encompasses your entire life, not just one sliver of it. Problems in your everyday life will be reflected in your dating life and issues in your dating life will affect your day to day existence, setting up a self-perpetuating loop of frustration. - See more at: http://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/5-rules-makes-dating-easier-hesaid/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=5-rules-makes-dating-easier-hesaid#sthash.BlQaIvYF.dpuf