The objective of this study is to examine land-use change and its impacts on rural
resettlement capacity of the land in the case study area, in the contexts of land-use
planning policy in China and ‘development-oriented resettlement’ policy associated
with the TGP, using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis in land-use planning. The
more specific aims are to:
(1) analyse land-use planning policy in China and its impacts on the rural
resettlement process;
(2) analyse the characteristics of land use in the area to be flooded and in the
proposed resettlement area;
(3) analyse the availability and carrying capacity of the land in the designated
resettlement area;
(4) evaluate the reforestation of cultivated land on steep slopes of 25 degrees or
greater and limitations of improvement of lower yield cultivated land, and;
(5) discuss the impacts of land-use changes on resettlement and implications for
land-use planning.