An overview of child development
Infant: newborn to 12 months
Physical developmentIMG_6240
Gains control of hands – bats, reaches and grasps objects (3 months)
Rolls over (4 to 6 months)
Discovers feet – brings feet to mouth and explores with feet (5 months)
Supports own head (6 months)
Gets into a sitting position (6-8 months)
Crawls (6-9 months)
Develops pincer grip (thumb and one finger) and begins to hold objects with one hand while manipulating them with the other (6 to 9 months)
Pulls self up to a standing position (9 to 12 months)
Moves around by holding on to furniture for support (9 to 12 months)
Stands alone for 1 or 2 seconds (10 to 12 months)
Begins to take first steps (12 months)
Walks alone (10 to 16 months)
Social development_MG_8348
Shows interest in people, especially faces and voices (2 to 3 months)
Smiles and laughs at voices and own image in mirror (3 months)
Talks baby talk or babbles (3 to 4 months)
Distinguishes among familiar people – has preferences (3 to 4 months)
Listens to voices and tries to imitate sounds (5 months)
Acts shy with new people (6 to 9 months)
Waves and plays games like peek-a-boo (6 to 9 months)
Watches and may imitate others (6 to 9 months)
Recognizes own name (9 months)
Mental development
Explores by putting things in mouth (3 months)
Learns to let go of and drop objects (5 months)
Remembers people, objects, games and toys (7 months)
Begins developing interest in picture books (8 months)
Learns to open and empty cupboards, drawers and other containers (9 months)
Begins to point to named objects and obey simple commands (9 to 12 months)