This problem seems to have happened before on all the other servers, from what i can see there are only a couple of fixes and they don't seem to fix many people's issues.
The first is:
I've fixed it with TCP Optimizer, and works perfect.
Download it, verify if you want that is not malware or whatever you think.
Install it and apply the profile OPTIMAL. Restart and coment please.
The second is:
Guys, one of the Rioters said a while ago that there is a bug when your password contains special characters you cant connect to the chat and they are working on it. I believe they are trying to change something in the client right now to fix this but are kind of failing for now since more people get this problem...
But from what i can gather this problem is just eventually fixed by Riot. Because this is Oceania it could take forever.
Oceania is the most poorly equipped server and has the least amount of support and admin staff. Hopefully Riot can get their act together and fix this soon rather than leaving Oceania with another unfixed problem.