Agriculture is themajor user ofmined phosphorus (P), accounting for 80–90% of the world demand for P1
Increasing population, growing preferences towardsmeat-based diets, and rising demands for bio-energy
crops will increase the future demand for P fertilizers
. However, application of P fertilizers exacerbates
eutrophication problem in surface waters
. Thus, numerous regulations
, best managements practices
, and remediation technology11,12
have been proposed to reduce P fertilizer application and to prevent
the applied P from entering water bodies. Whereas, there are few if any reports on attempting to solve the
eutrophication problem through modifications of the chemical properties of a P fertilizer (e.g., reducing the P
mobility in the soil or decreasing bioavailability of P to the algae) so that themodified P fertilizers are not only as
effective as the conventional ones but also haveminimal risks of eutrophication. To this end,we hypothesized that
use of P nanoparticle fertilizer, as an alternative to the regular P fertilizers on agricultural lands, would enhance
agronomic production, use efficiency of P, and improve the surface-water quality.
Agriculture is themajor user ofmined phosphorus (P), accounting for 80–90% of the world demand for P1.Increasing population, growing preferences towardsmeat-based diets, and rising demands for bio-energycrops will increase the future demand for P fertilizers1. However, application of P fertilizers exacerbateseutrophication problem in surface waters2–6. Thus, numerous regulations7, best managements practices(BMPs)8–10, and remediation technology11,12have been proposed to reduce P fertilizer application and to preventthe applied P from entering water bodies. Whereas, there are few if any reports on attempting to solve theeutrophication problem through modifications of the chemical properties of a P fertilizer (e.g., reducing the Pmobility in the soil or decreasing bioavailability of P to the algae) so that themodified P fertilizers are not only aseffective as the conventional ones but also haveminimal risks of eutrophication. To this end,we hypothesized thatuse of P nanoparticle fertilizer, as an alternative to the regular P fertilizers on agricultural lands, would enhanceagronomic production, use efficiency of P, and improve the surface-water quality.
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