Volume Heatmap
The Volume Heatmap indicates the current trading volume by displaying volume for the previous 24 hours cumulated either in 30-minute segments or from the open of the trading day. Volume is shown relative to the average for that same period for a selected past periods where 100 is the average level of activity. The user can define the “past” as: two days, one week or one month. For example, with the 30 minute snapshot and one month look-back if the color of AUDUSD from 1:00 PM to 1:30 PM indicates 140% then the volume for that half hour is 40% higher than the average volume for that half hour over the past month. In other words, it indicates volume today was higher than normal. There is a sensitivity bar that allows the user to filter the coloring to be more or less focused on outliers. The circles inside of squares indicate that significant news related to that currency pair was released during that 30-minute segment; clicking on the square will display the relevant news headlines. The currency pairs available are the most liquid pairs traded on the Thomson Reuters Matching platform, the source of the trading flows. The user can add or subtract from the available pairs as desired and can also choose in what order the currencies are listed.
Volume Breakdown