I have a question about product selection on the billboard of front page. Do we have any principle to choose the most profitable product exposure on it?
I see product no. 102233 and 100409 exposure on our website’s most prominent place, but I never see them on online top 20 neither TV top 20. Moreover, I checked their sales record since July 2015, as you can see the table below, both of them haven’t ever been successful products for TVDmomo.
Product no
Online Reserve Qty
TV Reserve Qty
In momoshop, we would select the most profitable product or seasonal theme product to put on the billboard of front page. The gatekeeper will choose the best-fit product according to past sales record or rule of thumb. But, if suppliers are willing to give us extra Ads fee or special price, that will be another case.
My suggestion is to have a look at Nil’s weekly report and find the best-fit product, because Online top 20 and TV top 20 are highly related. Picking up new and successful TV product to expose would be a faster and easier way.