II. Previous Education Sector Development Context
1. Achievements: Over the last 20 years since the introduction of a market economy, the
education sector has grown significantly in many aspects, and the general level of
knowledge within the population has increased. These achievements are described below:
(1). The national education system has been considerably improved and expanded in
terms of quantity and quality ranging from nursery and kindergarten levels up to the
university level. Primary and secondary school networks have expanded to all districts
including rural remote areas. In addition private education has been introduced to all
(2). The number of pupils, schools and classrooms is gradually meeting the basic
demands of society. The number of upper secondary school pupils in the academic year
1975-1976 was only 146. By comparison, in the academic year 2005-2006 when the
number of upper secondary school pupils was 45,198.
(3). Attention has been paid to expanding access to education to rural remote areas. A
great numbers of schools have been built including primary schools, ethnic group schools
in all provinces, and ethnic group boarding schools. In addition, illiteracy eradication
programs have achieved a 73% literacy rate for the population 15 years of age and over.
These achievements have progressively reduced the gaps in education between the sexes
and improved ethnic group participation.
(4). Education has been promoted and society has more ownership of education. Many
communities have contributed funding towards the rehabilitation of their own schools at
an estimated value of 18% of ??????.
(5). In general, the quality of education has gradually improved. The level of knowledge
of school pupils and tertiary students about new technology has increased. The number of
graduates from university and colleges in both state and private sectors of employment is
75%. The NUOL has initiated the delivery of Masters degree level courses in many fields,
and there is a plan to offer some PhD courses in the academic year 2009-20