Model A: Diversified criteria. Job performance has been defined as behaviors that are under individual control and that affect the goals
pof the employing organization (Campbell, 1990). As we mentioned above, a diversified model of the criterion space would specify no general, higher-order factor underlying the various dimensions of work behavior or performance. According to this model, sets of actions suc
strengths by job attitudes. The criteria do not share a single etiology.Instead, performance-re h as lateness, absenteeism, turnover,
and contextual performance are determined in different ways and in different lated behaviors reflect how much individual control or discretion each one entails. Contextual performance is associated with the level of effort or persistence that an individual exerts beyond what is required. Absenteeism and lateness, as the reduction of effort, are somewhat less discretionary, with controls on their expression that vary across jobs (Johns, 1991). Focal performance is the least discretionary. Typically inrole or exected, it serves as the basis for thedistribution of formal organizational rewards .The discretionary component of turnover depends upon the external labor market and information about alternative job opportunities.