9 MAR 2015
That CSS Server ruin my life
I'm know it's bad but I'm still doing it
Yeah, I deleted it again and I won't download that bitch again
I must control my mind to not doing it
If I can't control my mind, I shall download it again
So I don't want to do that
Now I'll go
Ha, Just kidding
So, That wasn't have a destinations
It's can't make any benefit
Yeah, I means it wasted my time, I can make those time became record video game, make animations and write some story
Now focus to the diary, Um I decide to do something that can make benefit but i can't decide what to do first
Yeah, I don't know I'm gonna do first, this one or this one, It just like some of science exam
Now I'm gonna write how these two are good than
Record a video game first :
Advantages +
I can be popular fast than do a movie
I can learn English from it
It can save my time than doing a movie
Disadvantages -
I have a terrible microphone
Take a much of time to render
Take a much of time to upload it to Youtube
If my video isn't fun, I'm not popular absolutely
Do a movie first :
Advantages +
Make my skills of making movie up
If I can do it good, I'm gonna be popular
I can join a bigger Garry's Mod community
If I was popular, The guys like Dr.Face or other, If possible, They might remark my works
Disadvantages -
Take much time to do
My computer is suck, Then the game is lag like hell
It's have a lot of addons, That can make my game lag too
Take much time to edits, It might be 3-9 months to make a one episode
Do it both :
Advantages +
This might not have any positive because it's take a huge of time to do it both
Yeah, I have a limit time
So, Only I can do for this choice is switch to do it both
Disadvantages -
I think i don't select this choice only disadvantages is take a huge of time to do