Six Flags operates 19 regional theme parks across the United States, Mexico, and Canada, featuring exciting rides BOEXBUFSBUUSBDUJPOT
BOETQF cial shows and concerts. To deliver a fun and safe expe rience for guests, Six Flags much carefully and effectively manage thousands of park assets—from rides and equip ment to buildings and other facilities. Six Flags needed a tool for managing all those assets efficiently and effectively BDSPTTJUTGBSáVOHDPMMFDUJPOPGQBSLT4PJUUVSOFEUP*#.
which has software—called Maximo Asset Management software—that handles that very problem well. But IBM didn’t just hand the software over to Six Flags with best wishes for a happy implementation. In stead, IBM’s Maximo Professional Services group is combining the software with an entire set of services designed to get and keep the software up and running. *#.JTXPSLJOHIBOEJOIBOEXJUI4JY'MBHTUPDVTUPNJ[F the application and strategically implement it across Six 'MBHTTGBSáVOHGBDJMJUJFT
BMPOHXJUIPOTJUFJNNFSTJPO training and planning workshops. “We’ve implemented the solution at five parks to date, and as the implementa tion team completes each deployment, they move to the next property,” says Six Flags’s director of corporate proj ect management. “We have one implementation team to make sure that all the deployments across our parks are consistent.” IBM will work with Six Flags throughout the process. Thus, IBM isn’t just selling the software, it’s selling a complete solution to Six Flags’s complex asset management problem