Strawberry is a popular and attractive fruit due to its high visual appeal and desirable flavor. However, strawberries are highly susceptible to mechanical injury, physiological disorders, fungal activity and water loss. Short postharvest life limits its fresh market potential and consumer access.
Modified atmosphere technology (MAP) is a postharvest technology to prolong the shelf life of fresh fruit and vegetables. In this technique, high concentration of CO2 and low concentration of O2 are often used to slow down the product respiration in package. Use of aqueous and gaseous sanitizers in food industry is another method to improve the quality of fruit and vegetables. Chlorine, one of the most commonly used disinfectant in the food industry, has some adverse effects such as generation of toxic by-products. showed that aqueous sanitizers can cause problems due to the residual moisture which lead to the growth of molds. Moreover, underlined that sanitizing agents are insufficient to provide enough microbiological safety, individually. Therefore, alternative strategies have to be developed to keep strawberry fresh for a longer storage and maชลketing life while preserving its desired texture and flavor in a good shape.