In Exp-1, six pots from each treatment group were taken to thelaboratory at the end of the drought stress period. Three pots fromeach treatment condition were used to measure biomass, root sol-uble carbohydrate content, xylem sap quantity of roots and planthormones before rewatering. The other three pots were used tomeasure the transpiration rate. During the rewatering period, theremaining 12 pots from each treatment group were further dividedinto two subgroups of six pots each. At 5 days and 10 days afterrewatering, one subgroup from each treatment group was taken tothe laboratory. Three pots of each subgroup were used to measurebiomass, root soluble carbohydrate content, xylem sap quantity ofroots and plant hormones before rewatering. A set of three otherpots were used to measure the transpiration rate. In Exp-2, threepots from each treatment group were taken to the laboratory tomeasure biomass and the ZR concentration in leaves before rewa-tering at the end of the drought stress period. During the rewateringperiod, at 5 and 10 days after rewatering, three pots from eachtreatment group were used to measure biomass and the ZR con-centration in leaves. One pot was used as a replicate in this study.